Room Horizont
08:30–10:00 am
Surgery 5 | Play With Fire
Controversies in Hiatal Hernia Repair and GERD
Play with fire | Controversies in Hiatal Hernia Repair and GERD
Chairman: Dieter Birk (Germany)
Moderator: Silke Mertmann (Germany)
Moderator: Patrick Noel (France/UAE)
Moderator: Catalin Coepescu (Rumania)
08:30–08:40 | The Crux of GERD
Karl-Hermann Fuchs (Germany)
08:40–08:50 | “To Sleeve or not to Sleeve” What are the Risks and Contraindications?
Luigi Angrisani (Italy)
08:50–09:00 | GERD after Sleeve. Relevant Diagnostics and a Surgical Solution: Lig. Teres Augmentation
Goran Marjanovic (Germany)
09:00–09:10 | Nissen Sleeve and other Alternative Variations – The Solution?
David Nocca (France)
09:10–09:18 | Sleeve Plus DOR – The Better Solution?
Ricardo Zorron (Germany)
09:18–09:26 | “Roux-en-Y” in the First Place – Problem Solved!
Silke Mertmann (Germany)
09:26–09:34 | Sleeve and GERD with a Prospective Series on the Results of “Roux-en-Y Conversion”
Antonio Ianelli (France)
09:34–09:42 | A three-Arm randomized controlled Trial of Primary OAGB: With FundoRing or Nissen vs. Without Fundoplication for the treatment of Obesity and GERD
Oral Ospanov (Kazakhstan)
09:42–09:50 | Reflux after OAGB – Incidence and Solutions
Moritz Felsenreich (Austria)
09:50–10:00 | Discussion
Room Kristall
08:30–10:00 am
Session 8 | Time Is On My Side
Metabolic Bariatric Surgery (MBS) As Bridging Procedure
Time Is On My Side | Metabolic Bariatric Surgery (MBS) As Bridging Procedure
Chairman: Chetan Parmar (UK)
Moderator: Christine Stroh (Germany)
Moderator: Antonio Iannelli (France)
Moderator:Andrej Lavryk (Ukraine)
08:30–08:45 | MBS as Bridging to Liver Transplantation
Antonio Iannelli (France)
08:45–09:00 | MBS as Bridging for Renal Transplantation
Karen Bosch (UK)
09:00–09:15 | Influence of MBS on Tumor Formation and Progression
Claudia Laessle (Germany)
09:15–09:30 | MBS as Bridging for Neoplastic/Cancer Pathologies
Chetan Parmar (UK)
09:30–09:45 | MBS – as Bridging for Hernia Repair
Ramon Vilallonga (Spain)
09:45–10:00 | MBS – Fertility, Pregnancy and Outcome of the Newborn
Christine Stroh (Germany)
Room Kosmos
08:30–10:00 am
Session 9 | Come On
New Tasks: MBS in Childhood and Day Surgery (Ambulatory MBS)
Come on | New Tasks: MBS in Childhood and Day Surgery (Ambulatory MBS)
Chairman: Aaran Aayed Alqahtani (Saudi Arabia)
Moderators: Kamal Mahawar (UK)
Moderators: Torsten Olbers (Sweden)
Moderators: Andreas Vasiliadis (Germany)
08:30–08:50 | Pediatrics Bariatrics’ Surgery: Where Do We Stand ?
Aayed Alqahtani (Saudi Arabia)
08:50–09:10 | Ambulatory Bariatric Surgery: Can it be the Standard of Care?
Simon Nienhuijs (Netherlands)
09:10–09:30 | Current Practice of Bariatric Tourism: Pros and Cons and Recommendation
Kamal Mahawar (UK)
09:30–10:00 | Panel Discussion
Panelist: Aaran Aayed Alqahtani (Saudi Arabia),Kamal Mahawar (UK),Torsten Olbers (Sweden),Simon Nienhuijs (The Netherlands), Andreas Vasiliadis (Germany), Harry Pappis (Greece)
Room Komet
08:30–10:00 am
BDC Kurs (in German)
Der Weg zum Adipositaszentrum
Der Weg zum Adipositaszentrum
(optional zubuchbar, die Teilnehmerzahl ist begrenzt)
Hier können Sie das Ticket für Freitag buchen.
Vorsitz: Mirko Otto (Mannheim), Sylvia Weiner (Frankfurt am Main), Susanne Blank (Mannheim)
Aufbau eines Adipositaszentrums
Wie fange ich damit an?
Wie kann ich das MMK und die Langzeitbehandlung abbilden?
Effizienz im Op
Was gibt es für Finanzierungsoptionen?
Ein Adipositaszentrum im Kontext der Krankenhausreform”
Mirko Otto (Mannheim), Oliver Martini (Johnson&Johnson)
Aus/Fortbildungskonzepte in der Bariatrie für nichtärztliches Fachpersonal
Julian-Anselm Beyer (NN)
10:00 am–10:30 am
Break and Learn (Industry Exhibition)
Room Horizont
10:30 am–12:30 pm
Surgery 6 | Brown sugar
Disconnecting Surgery for Diabetes from BMI
Brown sugar | Disconnecting Surgery for Diabetes from BMI
Chairman: Surendra Ugale (India)
Moderator: Arne Dietrich (Germany)
Moderator: Arya Sharma (Germany)
Moderator: Franceso Rubino (UK)
10:30–10:45 | Pathophysiology of Diabetes mellitus Type 2 in Lower and higher BMI´s . Is There Any Difference?
Arya Sharma (Germany)
10:45–11:00 | How to Select Patients for Diabetes Surgery in Lower BMI Group
Chih-Kun Huang (Taiwan)
11:00–11:15 | What are the Results of the Different Surgeries for Diabetes in the Morbid Obese Population?
Shashank Shah (India)
11:15–11:25 | Comparison of Reversal of Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 in Low BMI and High BMI Patients undergoing Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass
Sohaib Kahn (Pakistan)
11:25–11:35 | What are the Results of the Different Surgeries for Diabetes in the Lower BMI Population?
Surendra Ugale (India)
11:35–11:50 | 20 yr Results of Surgery for Diabetes in BMI 20–34 kg/m2
Aureo Ludovico de Paula (Brazil)
11:50–12:05 | Effect of Insulin on Breath Hydrogen, Postprandial Glycemia, Gut Hormone Release, and Appetite Perception in RYGB Patients: A Prospective, Randomized, Cross-Over Pilot Study
Marco Bueter (Switzerland)
12:05–12:20 | Obstacles Facing Acceptance of Surgery for Diabetes in Lower BMI Groups / Across All Weight Ranges
Ramen Goel (India)
12:20–12:30 | Discussion
Room Kristall
10:30 am–12:30 pm
Session 10 | Sweet Sounds of Heaven
Perioperatives Management in MBS & Mental Health Challenges and Support
Sweet Sounds of Heaven | Perioperatives Management in MBS & Mental Health Challenges and Support
Chairman: David B. Sayer (USA)
Moderator: Eva Conceicao (Portugal)
Moderator: Susanne Blank (Germany)
Moderator: Heike Raab (Germany)
10:30–10:45 | Nutritional Issues Before MBS
Violeta Moize (Spain)
10:45–11:00 | Disordered Eating Before MBS
Eva Conceicao (Portugal)
11:00–11:15 | Sedentary Behavior and Physical Activity Before MBS
Dale Bond (USA)
11:15–11:30 | Nutritional Issues After MBS
Violeta Moize (Spain)
11:30–11:45 | Disordered Eating After MBS
Eva Conceicao (Portugal)
11:45–12:00 | Sedentary Behavior and Physical Activity After MBS
Dale Bond (USA)
12:00–12:15 | Mental Health Complications After MBS
David Sarwer (USA)
12:15–12:30 | Discussion
Room Kosmos
10:30 am–12:30 pm
Session 11 | Street Fighting Man
Dumping Syndrome – The True Story
Street Fighting Man. Dumping Syndrome - The True Story
Chairman: Goran Marianovic (Germany)
Moderator: Florian Seyfried (Germany)
Moderator: Jodo Fink (Germany)
Moderator: Sophia Theodoridou (Germany)
10:30–10:45 | What Happens at the Dumpster? Pathophysiology Beyond Unloading.
Francois Pattou (France)
10:45–11:00 | Do we have a Magic Bullet? Medical Options.
A P van Beek (The Netherlands)
11:10–11:15 | Grab ‘n Roll – Endoscopic Solutions
Christine Stier (Germany)
11:15–11:30 | Engagement Party – Put a Ring On It.
Jodok Fink (Germany)
11:30–11:45 | Dead End Procedures – Don’t Miss the Last Exit Bypass Reversal.
Torsten Olbers (Sweden)
12:00–12:20 | Dumping Blues – Grooving to the Beat of Treatment Algorithm
Edo Aarts (The Netherlands)
12:15–12:30 | Discussion
Room Komet
10:30 am–12:30 pm
BDC Kurs (in German)
Operative Verfahren
Operative Verfahren
(optional zubuchbar, die Teilnehmerzahl ist begrenzt)
Hier können Sie das Ticket für Freitag buchen.
Vorsitz: Mirko Otto (Mannheim), Sylvia Weiner (Frankfurt am Main), Susanne Blank (Mannheim)
Sleeve Gastrektomie
Op-Technik Schritt-für-Schritt (Video)
Tipps und Tricks (Video)
Anne Freund (Offenbach)
Op-Technik Schritt-für-Schritt (Video)
Tipps und Tricks (Video)
Susanne Blank (Mannheim)
12:30 pm–01:00 am
Lunch Break
01:00–01:45 pm
Lunch Symposium
01:00 pm–02:00 pm
Break and Learn (Industry Exhibition)
Room Horizont
02:00–04:00 pm
Surgery 7 | (I Can´t Get No) Satisfaction
The Future: Pharmacotherapy plus or versus Surgery? Magnetic Surgery. The Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
(I Can`t Get No) Satisfaction - The Future: Pharmacotherapy Plus or Versus Surgery? Magnetic Surgery. The Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Chairman: Karl Miller (Austria/UAE)
Moderator: Michel Gagner (Canada)
Moderator: Martin Fried (Czech Republic)
Moderator: David Nocca (France)
02:00–02:15 | GLP-1 Treatment for Obesity – What Left for Surgery ?
Mario Musella (Italy)
02:15–02:30 | Magnetic Surgery: Magnetic Duodeno-Ileostomy versus Magnetic Gastro-Ileostomy
Michel Gagner (Canada)
02:30–02:40 | The First Results of Magnetic Surgery in Europe
Martin Fried (Czech Republic)
02:40–02:55 | We are Ready for Prime Time for Magnetic Anastomosis
Nathan Zundel (USA/Columbia)
02:55–03:10 | Artificial Intelligence or Ask the Surgeon?
Karl Miller (Austria/UAE)
03:10–03:25 | Machine Learning to Predict Individual Weight Loss
Francois Pattou (France)
03:25–03:35 | Artificial Intelligence – Aftercare via App
Cui Yang (Germany)
03:35–03:50 | The Future of Digital Platforms and Farewell Message of Congress President
Sylvia Weiner (Germany)
03:50–04:00 | Discussion
Room Kristall
02:00–04:00 pm
Session 12 | Bitch
The Damoklos Sword in MBS – Weight Regain
Bitch | The Damoklos Sword in MBS - Weight Regain
Chairman: Johannes Heimbucher (Germany)
Moderator: Florian Seyfried (Germany)
Moderator: Sylvia Weiner (Germany)
Moderator: Maida Ragibovic (Germany)
02:00–02:15 | Hypothalamic Integrity is Necessary for Sustained Weight Loss after Bariatric Surgery: A Prospective, Cross-Sectional Study’
Florian Seyfried (Germany)
02:15–02:25 | Adding a New and Durable Restriction – Pouch Resizing and Ring Implantation as an Option
Susanne Blank (Germany)
02:25–02:35 | Endoscopic Bariatric Interventions for Weight Regain
Christine Stier (Germany)
02:35–02:50 | The Necessity and the Methods of Measuring the Total Importance of Correct Limb Measurement and Selecetion of the Length of Different Limbs (Alimentary & Biliopancreatic Limb and Common Channel)
Cunchuan Wang (China)
02:50–03:05 | Weight Regain after Sleeve – The Sleeve+Procedures
Sylvia Weiner (Germany)
03:05–03:15 | Robotic Biliopancreatic Diversion and Re-Sleeve for Weight Regain
Maud Robert (France)
03:15–03:30 | The Differences Between Distal Gastric Bypass and a Gastric Bypass (RNYGB or OAGB) with a Longer Biliopancreatic Limb – Pathophysiology and Outcome
Rudolf Weiner (Germany)
03:30–03:40 | Factors Negatively Influencing Weight Loss – Analysis of the German Studoq Cohort
Gabriel Seifert (Germany)
03:40–04:00 | Discussion
Room Kosmos
02:00–04:00 pm
Session 13 | 19th Nervous Breakdown
Video-Session: Conversion of Restrictive Procedures to OAGB
19th Nervous Breakdown | Video-Session: Conversion of Restrictive Procedures to OAGB
Chairman: Nasser Sakran (Israel)
Moderator: Anne Freund (Germany)
Moderator: Mario Musella (Italy)
Moderator: Kuldeepak S. Kular (India)
02:00–02:10 | OAGB as Revision after Failed Restrictive Procedures: When, Why, and How?
Chetan Parmar (UK)
02:10–02:20 | Conversion of LSG to OAGB due to Weight Regain and Unresected Fundus
Nasser Sakran (Israel)
02:20–02:30 | Gastric Plication to OAGB
Nasser Sakran (Israel)
02:30–02:40 | Conversion of Adjustable Gastric Banding to OAGB: How to Avoid Extensive Scare Tissue Dissection
Jean-Marc Chevallier (France)
02:40–02:50 | Laparoscopic Conversion of SRVG to OAGB
Nasser Sakran (Israel)
02:50–03:00 | Robotic Conversion of LSG to OAGB due to Stricture of the Sleeve
Arun Prasad (India)
03:00–03:10 | Conversion from Adjustable Gastric Banding to OAGB for Weight Regain and Severe Dysphagia
Mario Musella (Italy)
03:10–03:20 | Laparoscopic Conversion of LSG to OAG due to ….
Gurvinder Jammu (India)
03:20–03:30 | Laparoscopic Conversion of LAGB to OAGB with Diaphragmatic Hernia Repair
Nasser Sakran (Israel)
03:30–03:40 | Robotic Conversion of LAGB to OAGB
Arun Prasad (India)
03:40–03:50 | Sleeve to OAGB with a Fountain of Blood
Ala Wafa (Libya)
03:50–04:00 | Discussion
Room Komet
01:00–04:00 pm
BDC Kurs (in German)
Operative Verfahren
Operative Verfahren
(optional zubuchbar, die Teilnehmerzahl ist begrenzt)
Hier können Sie das Ticket für Freitag buchen.
Vorsitz: Mirko Otto (Mannheim), Sylvia Weiner (Frankfurt am Main), Susanne Blank (Mannheim)
Op-Technik Schritt-für-Schritt (Video)
Tipps und Tricks (Video)
Andreas Plamper (Köln)
Intraoperative Herausforderungen
Was mache, ich wenn…
Johannes Sander (Hamburg)
Robotische bariatrische Chirurgie
Miljana Vladimirov (Detmold)
Thromboseprophylaxe und Supplementation postoperativ
Daniel Luderer (Gera)
Komplikationsmanagement nach bariatrischer Chirurgie
Florian Seyfried (Würzburg)
Wiederherstellungsschirurgie nach bariatrischer Chirurgie
Marcus Kiehlmann (Frankfurt am Main)
Diskussion und Abschluss
status: May, 2024
subject to changes